Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Remember the things long time

1) When you remember something that one start to laps after 24 hours. Therefore it needs to be again study same thing in 24 hours. That one continue to remember one week but after one week again start to laps therefore need  to again study in 7 days. After that it remain to 6 month.

2) Should be read fast. Put the finger on the line and look and read a sentence one at a time i.e, don't read slowly and look and read 2-3 words at a time

3) Make the habit to write.

4) Make the bullet points and read once before going to sleep.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Should be ready before start my WSIMS software

1) Internet facility should be there.

2) One operator always ready to work on my software and also if i am taking the responsibility of entry then also one operator of client side always work with me.

3) All files related to data entry should be ready before data entry. Ready means how many files are there, NGO list with file number etc.

4) Database should be provide of APL-BPL and also PDF files of 2007 and 2009.

5) One genuine person should be there who have knowledge about the files and other work.

6) Talk before about in how many days my cheque will be in my hand. Note down- Don't do all the work and then approach for the money. Should be make the milestone and receive the amount accordingly.

7) If you are going to data entry then before taking this work confirm that there should be proper and sufficient space to work.

8) There should be proper response of phone. like if you are busy then cut the phone in middle and response the phone whenever free. But don't delay to answering.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Modify Excel Properties through C#

            Excel._Application app=new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbooks Wbs=app.Workbooks;;
            Excel.Workbook Wb= Wbs.Add(1);;
            //Excel.Worksheets Osheets;
            Excel.Worksheet Osheet=(Excel.Worksheet)Wb.ActiveSheet;
                Osheet.PageSetup.Orientation = XlPageOrientation.xlLandscape;

                Osheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin = double.Parse("42.05");//left margin(0.58) * 72.5
                Osheet.PageSetup.RightMargin = double.Parse("31.09");//right margin(0.44) * 72.5
                Osheet.PageSetup.TopMargin = double.Parse("42.05");
                Osheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin = double.Parse("31.09");
                Osheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin = double.Parse("0");
                Osheet.PageSetup.FooterMargin = double.Parse("0");

                Range oRng = Osheet.get_Range(Osheet.Cells[1, 1], Osheet.Cells[1, 10]);
                Osheet.Cells[1, 1] = "Nishant";                                       
                Range oRng = (Range)Osheet.Cells[1, 1]
                oRng.EntireColumn.Font.Name = "Arial";
                oRng.EntireColumn.Font.Size = "11";
                oRng.Font.Bold = true;
                oRng.Font.Underline = true;
                oRng.EntireColumn.WrapText = true;
                oRng.EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@";
                oRng.EntireColumn.VerticalAlignment = XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
                oRng.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;


Following Projects Done:

1) Retail/Distribution Management Software (BMS): Kanak Telecom, Jay Mata Di Telecom

2) Water & Sanitation Info Management Software (WSIMS): PHED Patna, Lakhisarai

3) Constituency Info Management Software (CIMS): Uday Narayan Choudhry (Bihar Vidhansabha Chairman)

4) Restaurant Billing Software (RBS): Tikka Express Sheikhpura, Patna

5) Sanitation Scheme Accounting Software (SSAS): PJS Surajagrha, Lakhisarai

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chanakya Kathan

आचार्य चाणक्य का कथन है कि ‘‘मनुष्य को शेर से एक, बगुले से एक तथा मुर्गे से चार, कौऐ से पांच, कुत्ते से छह और गधे से तीन गुण ग्रहण करना चाहिए।“ “बड़ा हो या छोटा कार्य उसे संपन्न करने के लिये पूरी शक्ति लगाना शेर से सीखना चाहिए।’’ ‘‘बगुले की भांति अपनी इंद्रियों को वश मे कर देश काल अपने बल को जानकर ही अपने सारे कार्य करना चाहिए।“ ‘‘ठीक समय पर जागना, सदैव युद्ध के लिये तैयार रहना, बंधुओं को अपना हिस्सा देना और आक्रामक होकर भोजन करना मुर्गे से सीखना चाहिए।“ ‘‘छिपकर प्रेमालाप करना, ढीठता, नियम समय पर संग्रह करना सदा प्रमादरहित होकर जागरुक रहना तथा किसी पर विश्वास न करना ये पांच गुण कौऐ से सीखना चाहिए ।’’ ‘‘बहुत खाने की शक्ति रखना, न मिलने पर भी संतुष्ट हो जाना, खूब सोना पर तनिक आहट होने पर भी जाग जाना, स्वामीभक्ति और शूरता यह छह गुण कुत्ते से सीखना चाहिए।“ ‘‘बहुत थक जाने पर भी भार उठाना, सर्दी गर्मी से बेपरवाह होन और सदा शांतिपूर्ण जीवन बिताना यह तीन गुण गधे से सीखना चाहिए।“